Frequently Asked Questions


How often should my piano be tuned?

Depending on how often your piano is played, it may need a tuning anywhere between 1-4 times a year. For an average household, tuning is recommended 1-2 times a year; once annually if it is played weekly or monthly and your home has a consistent temperature, and twice annually if it is played daily, used for music lessons, and/or if your home temperature fluctuates throughout the year.

If it has been several years since your piano has been tuned, 2 visits are often needed for the strings to fully acclimate to the new tension. In this case, the follow-up tuning is discounted since it is often just a fine tuning.

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What is a voicing?

A hammer “voicing” is a treatment given to the felt of the hammers that strike the strings inside the piano. If your piano’s tone is too loud, harsh, or bright, the hammers can be treated to create a softer, warmer tone. Or if the opposite is true, if you would prefer a brighter-sounding tone, the felt can be hardened to create the desired sound.

How do i decide what service to book?

We recommend a light cleaning at the time of your annual tuning appointment. Dust collection on the moving parts can cause a host of issues, and it is far better to keep on top of cleaning than it is to have to repair preventable issues further down the line. If it has been over 5 years since your piano has been serviced, or if you are experiencing sticky keys, hearing clicks when playing, or have issues with mice in your home, we recommend a deep cleaning at the time of your initial or follow-up tuning appointment. Many piano owners are surprised when we open up a piano to find that they were unwitting hosts to mice families! The space under the keys is an opportune spot for critters to settle.

If you notice any sticking keys, keys that make no sound when played, inoperative pedals, etc, drop us a line with the issue and we will diagnose the issue at the appointment.

If you are unsure as to whether your piano needs any additional services, your technician will happily check everything out during the tuning/consultation.